Thursday, January 13, 2011


This packing has been quite a process, I am quite exited to be leaving shortly, but I often feel as though I will be leaving behind something very important. It's a rather scary concept. But I know that I will have everything I need and all else is just a luxury. It is amazing to see how little we truly NEED in comparison to how much we often have. I fear that we have grown accustom to such lives of luxury that we often forget what is luxury and what is necessity. I cannot wait to embark on this journey I will miss everyone here but I know that the best is yet to come when there will be no more crying, no hurt or pain. I'm living for that day. My thoughts are with you as I know this life is difficult and tedious at times I hope you always remember what is important in this life, and what means nothing in the end.

If my blogs no longer sound like the person you've known me to be, know that I am no longer in charge of posting these things and may begin to sound much cornier than I usually am. :] But I will miss these sunsets at home :)

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